Forty seven Unified Group members meet in Chicago for our first ever Emerging Leaders Forum. Guest speaker Scott Olson encouraged attendees to take a jazz approach to the meeting by collaborating, taking risks, and being aware of what’s going on around them. Throughout the first day Scott shared the difference between being a leader versus being a manger, five examples of exemplary leadership, the importance of self-awareness, and how to build a healthy team.

“As an emerging leader, the ideology and understanding of how to lead people instead of managing them really stuck out,” said Willie Diguc (Oahu Air Conditioning). Scott also shared the ProScan Personality Profile results which showed energy styles and helped to explain what drains each person’s battery.

“I found the review and discussion of the ProScan results to be very interesting,” said Bart Gedeon (ISS). “I'll definitely be reviewing the ProScan results some more and trying to figure out how to normalize to my natural style to help sustain my battery.”

Members tackled their HR, financial, and operational challenges in their peer groups on day two and three.

“It was interesting to see that we are experiencing consistent problems regardless of region, company size, etc.,” said Ryan Houghton (Dowling Corporation).

“Throughout the entire event I was surrounded by people who engaged me in compelling conversation and shared valuable information which will contribute to my personnel success and the success of my company,” said Rich Perrotta (Hawks & Company). ‘The experience taught me the value of The Unified Group.”