Remember from the book Lessons from the Mouse, we can’t afford to look or sound mechanical to our customers. Tasks may become second nature to us the longer we're in our jobs. It can be easy to fall into this kind of wooden, indifferent behavior, where we begin to take our customers for granted and treat them as tasks instead of people. We have to remember to be animated, not automated. To move from a task mentality to a people mentality because we are more than the tasks we do on a daily basis. A receptionist isn't just answering the phone, they're the Vice President of First Impressions.

Service Mapping:
Mapping out the processes we have is a great tool to help us see things through the client's eyes. Don't forget what Teri said, our processes should be designed for the many, but flexible for the few.

Question: Our companies spend a lot on marketing and sales to get a prospect to give us a try just one time. What happens when a new client calls? How do you use your service mentality to ensure they don't feel like just another call you have to take?