An interview can be one of the most difficult parts of the hiring process, and many struggle with what types of questions to ask to learn what you actually need to know. Asking the correct questions can be the turning point between hiring the right or wrong employees.

On Thursday, July 14, Standard Heating & Plumbing’s Rita Swegheimer hosted the “Interviewing Do’s and Don’ts” webinar. In the hour-long session, members of The Unified Group learned how to properly execute an interview with potential employees. By sharing types of interviews, interview techniques, the interview process, and the do’s and don’ts of interviewing, Swegheimer led a valuable session. Based on the type of interview, different tactics might be used, while different questions are being asked. To accurately perform each type of interview, training is essential to teach the interviewer what types of questions to ask, in addition to what kind of responses to look for.

“The interview is an opportunity for the candidate and the employer to exchange information,” Swegheimer said. “It plays a critical role in the recruiting process and has become the common practice used in organizations to fill a position.”

Overall, Swegheimer received excellent feedback from all who attended. If you missed the webinar, but are interested in viewing the recording, the link is available for members on the website. Are you interested in learning more about membership with The Unified Group? Contact Janet Kelleher at