Temperature, Inc.’s Senior Vice President, Derren Saucier, found immense success in his company’s experience with Discovery Sound Technology (DST). Saucier decided to share his contact with The Unified Group, to help other members find the same success Temperature, Inc. found. After numerous members showed interest in the new technology platform, The Unified Group scheduled a webinar for members in July 2022 featuring a live demo from the DST leadership team. The demo consisted of going through the various tools and resources offered.

DST is a self-calibrating, ultrasound platform that not only generates real-time diagnostics on equipment condition and life expectancy, but also redefines how ultrasound is gathered and utilized to transform the way organizations manage maintenance operations. This capability predicts equipment failure, extends equipment life and lowers overall costs.

Cox-Powell Corporation was keen on the idea of the technological capabilities and decided to immediately implement within their company. As of now, four of the tools are currently being used, while they plan on adding four to six more in the next year.

“From what we have seen and experienced, it will be a great tool for technicians to use to help predict future issues,” Mike Kerner of Cox-Powell Corporation said. “It also is a great tool for our sales team to help differentiate us from our competitors.”

With months under their belts, Cox-Powell leadership has already received excellent feedback from customers, while technicians are easily able to learn the platform. “We highly recommend it,” Paul Thurston of Cox-Powell Corporation said.

After DST presented at our 2023 Service Management Forum in January, eight additional member companies were inspired and began the initial conversations and/or started training towards the DST implementation process.

Overall, members of The Unified Group enjoy sharing their best ideas with one another to help each other grow. Together we really do make the difference.

Think your company could be a good fit for The Unified Group? Contact Janet Kelleher at KelleherJ@theunifiedgroup.com for more information about membership!