Paul Thurston with Cox-Powell Corporartion met Kathie Zarish with Harvey W. Hottel, Inc., at the New Orleans Sales meeting in 2022. Kathie, Hottel’s Digital and Content Marketing Manager delivered a presentation on Sales & Marketing, with a focus on Digital Marketing. Intrigued but uncertain about its potential, Paul engaged Kathie with questions, eager to understand more. Months later, Paul reached out to Kathie directly. In a subsequent meeting, Kathie generously shared her successes and even provided insight into her role.
Empowered by Kathie's guidance, Paul initiated the hiring process and brought Tori Andersen on board, a recent graduate from Utah State University. With input from Kathie, Tori has worked on targeted email campaigns to nurture client relationships. Through social media, Tori showcases completed projects, engages followers, and recruits talent for open positions. Beyond social media and email marketing, Tori manages printed materials, curates internal newsletters, and has redesigned the website to make it more user-friendly and compelling.
Kathie and Tori have communicated several times and have been helpful and supportive of each other. Kathie hopes to meet Tori in person at a future Unified Group Forum and envisions the potential for further collaboration.