After attending the 2024 Service Management Forum, Chris Stokes with Air Controls found it very insightful to learn about the different transactional analyses that occur and how to recognize and navigate them. Having been raised in a "no news is good news" environment, Chris realized he had often fallen short in recognizing others. Understanding the importance of constant and consistent feedback, he began blocking time out on his calendar to remind himself to acknowledge others. This practice expanded when Chris discovered ThoughtFulls, small pop-open cards with inspirational messages that he has started leaving on colleagues' desks, alongside email or verbal praise. He recognized the universal appeal of receiving a small note of appreciation.

Moreover, Chris initiated the use of time blocks for deep work, allowing him to efficiently tackle tasks without the need for frequent interruptions, a common challenge for service managers. He observed feeling more engaged in conversations and moments when he didn't have to constantly switch in and out of tasks.

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